Monday 2 July 2012

Fancy seeing 'The Amazing Spiderman' at the IMAX?

So the nice lady, at the BFI, asked me if I'd like to give away two tickets to see 'The Amazing Spiderman' at the London IMAX... I said 'yes', of course, and here we are :o)

Two tickets then, here's what you need to do. Have a click Here and see what date appeals to you. Then drop me an email (address at the top of the screen) telling me who you are and what date you'd like to go to the pictures. The subject header needs to be 'Amazing Spiderman'. Seeing as I'm giving away two tickets, tell me if you want both of them (taking a friend?) or just the one. The only other condition is that you must be able to get to London, and use the tickets, on the day. If you can't then don't enter basically ;o)

'The Amazing Spiderman' is showing right now, and I want to turn this thing around quite quickly, so get your emails in as soon as possible. Shall we say by the end of tomorrow? Yes, lets :o)

Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. No London for me so can't enter, but it sounds like a fun giveaway! :D


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