Monday 23 July 2012

A little weekend book haul...

Friday afternoon saw me on a fast train to Plymouth, Sunday afternoon saw me on a really hot and stuffy slow train back from Plymouth. You haven't seen hell until you've tried to keep a fractious toddler amused on a slow moving train where the air conditioning has broken...

The bit inbetween though? Saturday was lovely. Chinese food, book shopping and Hope showing me round the aquarium (we had to find Nemo...)I didn't have a lot of time for book shopping, someone really wanted to get to the aquarium, but I managed to get to a couple of favourite second hand book shops that I hadn't been to in a while. Here's what I managed to find for myself...

The beauty of going book shopping with a two year old is that you invariably find yourself in the kids section. I don't think she's ready for Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks just yet but I used to have these books (when I was a kid) and I thought it was about time I had them again :o) Out of all the books in the series, 'Deathtrap Dungeon' and 'Forest of Doom' were my favourites; I could spend hours reading through them on a Sunday afternoon... I fancied a bit of nostalgia reading but I also wanted to see how they measured up to the 'Destiny Quest' series that has just started running. You can expect to see a nostalgic fanboy post in the next few weeks... ;o)

Its been years since I read 'The Broken Sword' and, again, I thought it was about due a re-read. I've also found myself starting to scour second hand bookshops to build up my Fantasy Masterworks collection (missed out on the Fantasy Masterworks 'The King of Elfland's Daughter' and I don't want to do that again) so I couldn't pass up on the chance of a copy here. There'll definitely be a review but I'm not sure quite when...

That's me then, what book(s) did you buy over the weekend?


  1. Ooooh, Fighting Fantasy, now that brings back memories. I think I played the first 15 or so, plus the Sorcery! series, all on the (rather flimsy, I have to admit) pretext of improving my English. I always thought that the ones written by Jackson had the better stories, while the Livingstone ones were beetter written - or was that the other way round? In any case, I'm really curious as to how those have held up, I think I have mine still lying around somewhere...

  2. I used to have many FFG books when I was kid. I loved them to read.

  3. Cant wait for your opinions on fighting fantasy my favourite were Caverns of the snow witch and Armies of death which i believe was a sequel to Deathtrap Dungeon.


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