Monday 25 June 2012

The 'really need to cut out the casual swearing...' Competition Winner's Post!

Because I didn't realise how much I swear until Hope started talking and copying what I say... Her reaction to a spilled cup of tea (the other day) was quite funny, swearing in front of the grandparents perhaps less so. We got through it though, now I just need to start using other words that she'll copy instead (and save the foul language for when she's asleep)...

Enough of me showcasing my poor parenting skills (although I can get Hope to say 'please' nine times out of ten)... :o) Thanks to everyone who entered the 'Control Point' giveaway, last week, but there could only be one winner and that person was...

Thomas Mulrooney Burnley, UK

Nice work there Thomas, your book should be on its way very soon. Better luck next time everyone else; setting up competitions is getting harder and harder, these days, but I'll do my best to keep them coming... ;o)

If you're planning on popping in this week you can expect to see me having a little rant about alternate universes, in comics, as well as reviewing a little fantasy and some sci-fi too. I can't see myself finishing 'The King's Blood' this week but it's shaping up to be just as good as 'The Dragon's Path' (if not better). Hopefully there'll be a review next week.

See you tomorrow!


  1. hehe, I'm going through the exact same thing! Only realised last night when LittleMan dropped his spoon on the floor and let fly with an impressive expletive - gargghh!

  2. I think everyone who's ever had a little kid around them has inopportune cuss-time stories. Just wait until they start saying them in church, just when everyone else went totally silent! Story made me smile! I'll definitely tune in this week! :D

  3. Thanks again Graeme! As I said in the email this really made my day after a pretty crappy day at work. Plus I hardly ever win anything so it was quite a surprise!

    I'm looking forward to reading it, always willing to try out new authors :-)


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