Sunday 10 June 2012

'Not free at all but very cheap' reading! 'A Discovery of Witches' (Deborah Harkness)

Just a quick post for those of you who have ebook readers and are wondering if Deborah Harkness' 'A Discovery of Witches' is any good (that might narrow things down a bit but oh well)... A nice lady at Penguin Books told me that for today only, 'A Discovery of Witches' will be priced at $2.99 pretty much wherever you can buy ebooks (something to do with the forthcoming release of the sequel 'Shadow of Night'). I've no idea what $2.99 is in sterling (or euros or anything else actually) but I'm guessing it's not much more. Don't say I never do anything for you ;o)

If you do pick 'A Discovery of Witches' up (or if you've read it already), could you do me a favour? I've never read the book myself and would be interested to know what others think, any comments below this post would be appreciated. Cheers :o)

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