Wednesday 27 June 2012

Exactly the cover art post I wanted to write!

After yesterday's post (I'm linking to it but you could, you know, just scroll down...) bemoaning my inability to show you the back cover of 'Bitter Seeds'... Orbit very kindly sent me an image of the full cover. This makes me wonder why I didn't just ask them in the first place but I got there in the end :o)

So here you go, check out that back cover and tell me that it isn't great. If nothing else it really captures that 'British Secret Service report' vibe, really letting you know that the Secret Service are on the case so all this talk of Nazi supermen is a pretty big deal...

You're going to need to click on the image if you want to see it in more detail. If I make it any bigger it'll take out a chunk of the page...
What do you think?


  1. It definitely looks interesting, and Nazi psychics vs. British warlocks sounds like my kind of read :)

  2. Stew Middleton27 June 2012 at 12:06

    It's already in my Amazon basket! Thanks Graham.


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