Wednesday 13 June 2012

Emergency Cover Art Post! 'The Wind through the Keyhole' (Stephen King)

Today was meant to be all about my 'Ready Player One' review but yesterday turned out to be all about discovering a crack in the house and working out what to do about it. It was like that Doctor Who episode only instead of being able to see into another dimension we were able to see the back of our neighbours kitchen paneling and then go upstairs to see the hole in his roof... To cut a long story short, it really freaked us out but it can all be sorted with the minimum of fuss but a lot of brick dust.
In the unlikely event of the previous owner, of our house, reading this post I'd just like to say one thing. You knew the crack in the kitchen was there, did you really think that a few tiles and a mug rack would fix it? Knowing you just a little bit, I'll bet you did...

So the 'Ready Player One' review gets pushed back a day. I'll tell you right now though that I thought the book was nothing short of awesome, how's that for a mini-review? ;o) Come back tomorrow and I'll elaborate on that a bit lot more. What do you get in the meantime though? A copy of 'The Wind through the Keyhole' arrived yesterday and I want to show the cover off.

After reading 'The Gunslinger Born' the other day, scroll down a bit for the review, I'm really looking forward to getting stuck into this :o) Just need to polish off the latest Mira Grant book first (and that's not bad either). Doesn't that cover make you want to go off on a quest for the Dark Tower yourself...?

1 comment:

  1. Oh noes, I feel your pain regarding the cracks and holes. We had a similar experience in our downstairs bathroom. It was a long and sad story with periods without any water while we fixed it. I killed the previous owners countless times in my mind.

    As for 'The Wind through the Keyhole', I WANT!!!


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