Saturday 23 June 2012

A Couple of Odds and Ends...

A bit of a short and sweet one today, what with being away for the weekend and generally preoccupied about a whole load of stuff. Life can throw up all sorts of stuff when you least expect it but more on that another time (maybe). In the meantime...

I generally try not to plug books unless I've actually read them but, after going on about how you can't find anything by Karl Edward Wagner these days (not cheap anyway), I've recently seen that you can get hold of Wagner's short story 'Undertow' in Tachyon Press' 'Sword & Sorcery Anthology'. I briefly mentioned 'Undertow' in my review of 'Night Winds' but it's a story that has taken on greater significance to me the more I think about it. There's about a hundred other good reasons to buy 'The Sword & Sorcery Anthology' but don't skip over 'Undertow' in order to get to them, you'll be missing out on a dark treat indeed.

And for those of you are interested, here's what I bought for myself on a trip into town this afternoon...

'The Ark in Space' originally aired about seven months before I was born (I feel old) but I had this out of the library, when I was a kid, and I'm looking forward to a little nostalgic reading about five minutes after I finish this post :o) The reissuing of the original Target novels is more than welcome as far as I'm concerned (having lost several 'Doctor Who' books that I now have the chance to recollect).

1 comment:

  1. Anthony Giordano25 June 2012 at 21:40

    It says "Soldier of an Empire Unacquainted with Defeat" is included in the Swords & Sorcery collection. Now there's a great story as well.


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