Monday 7 May 2012

The ‘I want my Bank Holiday back!’ Competition Winner’s Post!

It all started off very nicely with a Saturday involving free comic books and being ambushed by Hope every now and again. Sunday though, that involved all three of us feeling rotten with cold and chomping away on comfort food to make us feel better (actually, that wasn’t a bad day either come to think of it)
Today has seen all of the illness (poor Hope…) and none of the comfort food. This makes today officially the worst day of the long weekend and I’ll be seeing about a refund. I can do that, can’t I…?

Hopefully today will be a little better for the following people who all won a copy of ‘Rage of the Dragon’ (from the competition that I ran last week). Those lucky folks were…

Josh Sgro, New York, US
Matt Hillman, New York, US
Irene Menge, New Jersey, US
Dan McGinn, Pennsylvania, US
Melysah Bunting, Georgia, US

Well done guys! Your books should be on their way even as we speak :o)

This week will see reviews for Brian Evenson’s ‘Immobility’ and Brian Aldiss’ ‘Nonstop’ amongst a couple of other bits and pieces that I have in store. I’m also going to try my hardest to get ‘The White Luck Warrior’ finished this week (the read was going very well until I started commuting again…) so we’ll see how that goes. Before you ask, I really couldn’t get into ‘The Wise Man’s Fear’; I’ll give it a go some other time.
See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the win, Graeme! Got my book yesterday!


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