Monday 21 May 2012

The 'I Really Need To Stop Buying Dr Who Figures...' Competition Winner's Post!

You know the figures I'm talking about? They're like Lego figures and they come in little 'lucky dip' bags where you can't see what you've got until you open it. I now have one Doctor and four Amy Ponds... Curse me and my foolish need to buy little toy figures in my lunch break! On the flip side though, I now find myself interested in seeing how many more Amy Pond figures I'll buy before ending up with something different (law of averages and all that). I'm not sure I dare go out this lunchtime...

Anyway... Thanks to everyone (and there were loads of you) who entered the 'Railsea' competition last week. There could only be three winners though (as much as I wanted everyone to win a copy of the book...) and they were,

Junior Cain, New York, USA
Jeanette Jackson, Ontario, Canada
Michael Blythe, Tennessee, USA

Nice work there folks! Your books should be on their way later today, Happy Reading!

That's pretty much that for today but there's loads more to come over the rest of the week. A little bit of everything actually; sci-fi, fantasy and horror... Stop by and have a look why don't you? :o)

See you tomorrow!


  1. I used to be the same with the rugrats figures (don't ask me why - they just called me!) Luckily they were pretty easy to have a feel of and guess what they were before you bought.

  2. I thought that would be the same with the Dr. Who figures but nope, Amy Pond every single time...

  3. It's not just me then. I started picking 'em up when Morrison's had 'em on offer. I don't seem to have been quite as unlucky as you, eventually managing to pick up the full set plus a few extra Doctors. Although I have to confess that I did give up buying blind packets after the fourth Doctor and picked up the last figure on ebay. Carmen is right though. It is possible to identify most of the DW figures by feel.

  4. Thank you for making me one of your winners and good luck finding a different figure.

  5. Winner!!! Wow i've never won anything in my life! First off I would like to thank... LOL. Thanks for choosing me!!


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