Tuesday 15 May 2012

Adam Nevil Signing at Forbidden Planet

I really wish this was happening at my local (if you can call a fifteen minute train ride and a ten minute walk 'local'...) Forbidden Planet, instead of the one in Birmingham, but you can't win em' all...

ADAM NEVILL signs his newest, most terrifying novel yet, LAST DAYS (Tor) at Forbidden Planet Birmingham on Saturday 26th May from 1 – 2pm.

The Temple of the Last Days was a notorious cult, which reached its bloody endgame in 1975. Ever since, the group’s rumoured mystical secrets and paranormal experiences have lain concealed behind a history of murder, sexual deviancy and imprisonment. Kyle Freeman and his one-man crew film the cult’s original bases in London and France – finally visiting the scene where the cult self-destructed in a night of ritualistic violence. But when Kyle interviews survivors, uncanny events plague his shoots. Frightening out-of-body experiences and nocturnal visitations follow, along with the discovery of ghastly artefacts. Until Kyle realises, too late, that they’ve become entangled in the cult’s hideous legacy. 

If you're a fan of well written horror then this is a signing that you really need to go to. Have a click Here and Here, for my reviews of 'Apartment 16' and 'The Ritual', and see what I mean. 'Last Days' is a 'definite read' for but I really need to read 'Railsea' first...

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