Thursday 5 April 2012

An Unexpected Cover Art Post

Because I really try not to do this kind of post too often, I really do... The thing is though, I've got a toddler that won't go to sleep (yep, I'm writing this on Wednesday night...) and a job interview tomorrow that I need to prepare for. There will be no review written tonight! (In case you were wondering, I was going to talk about Aaron Dembski-Bowden's 'Voidstalker'. Go and read Civilian Reader's review in the meantime).

It's a good job then that a package from Angry Robot arrived earlier; three books with some lovely cover art to show off here. Well, two out of the three books have lovely cover art but it's the third one that will be picked up first. What do you know... Sometimes it takes more than a well drawn cover to get me to pick a book up ;o)

Check em' out...

Isn't that cover lovely? The kind of detail that I could spend hours poring over (maybe not hours but you know what I mean) but, unfortunately, it's on the third book in a series and I haven't read the first two. Never say 'never', I might pick this one up at some point but I've just done that kind of thing with 'Caine's Law' and I'm not up for jumping into the end stages of a series just yet. Here's some blurb... Actually, no there isn't! Far too many spoilers there ;o)

Brilliant, just brilliant. It's like 'The Matrix' and that 'Terminator' TV show got together and had some weird cyber-organic baby just for the cover of 'vN'. That isn't what has shoved this book into a nice position on the reading pile though. No, check out the blurb excerpt...

Amy Peterson is a self-replicating humanoid robot.

For the past five years, she has been grown slowly as part of a mixed organic/synthetic family. She knows very little about her android mother’s past, so when her grandmother arrives and attacks her mother, little Amy wastes no time: she eats her alive.

I was sold just on those four words. That is some gutsy blurb and I want to read on and see if the rest of the book lives up to it. 'vN' will be published in August but I'll be reviewing it a lot sooner than that :o)

And here's the cover for the book that has forced its way to the front of the queue...

Totally generic fantasy guys who haven't really been drawn that well. Well that's a great start... It's the name on the cover that saves the day though. I really enjoyed Kemp's 'Erevis Cale' books and no poorly drawn cover is going to stop me cracking this one open. Expect a review as soon as... well, maybe not next week but certainly the week after :o)

Not the best cover of the three by any means but at least I don't feel like a Jackdaw going after all the shiny stuff! Having said that though, had anyone here read Mike Shevdon's books? Are they any good?


  1. That vN cover is stunning. It's just a pity that we've got to wait till August for it!

  2. I've read just the first one (Sixty One Nails) and I was very pleasantly surprised by it. Rather engaging characters and an plot interesting which wasn't drawn outor mushy(as it so often can get with books about fairies in the modern world). I wanted to procure the sequel but didn't get around to it yet. Probably will now the whole trilogy is available (and with gorgeous new covers :))

    P.S. I don't agree with you on the matter of the Hammer and the Blade is maybe a bit generic but it is still a very fine cover...the kind that makes me want to read a bit of old school sword and sorcery :D

  3. You will enjoy HAMMER AND THE BLADE, I sure did.

  4. I just finished reading vN the other day--I'm an ARB reviewer, and I can assue you that it definitely lives up to the hype.

    I wanted to comment on your dissection of the cover art, though--I hadn't made the connection to the Sarah Connor Chronicles, and I think that's pretty apt. It puts the cover in a new light for me!

    That's all.


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