Sunday 8 April 2012

Happy Easter!

I hope you have a good one :o)

I don't really have the time to post about what I'm reading right now as there's all sorts of cooking and cleaning to be done before friends arrive this afternoon. I've also just about had it with cover art posts here (feel like I've done too many recently) and wanted to try something different so...

You tell me, what are you reading right now and why should I give it a go if I haven't already? It's easy for me to get enthusiastic about what I've got on the go; now I want to get all enthusiastic about what you're reading (and maybe even check it out myself). Sell it to me people! :o)

Extra points go to anyone who can get me to pick up a paranormal romance, generic urban fantasy or... erm... one of the 'Eragon' books ;o)

Comments in the usual place please...


  1. I just finished The Hammer by KJ Parker. And it was typical, great Parker. Lots of violence and death but the writing is stylish and has an underlying, subtle humor and lightness of tone that makes it extremely readable.

    I haven't read anything for a couple of months (supposed to be writing) but once I read the first couple o pages I couldn't put it down.

    I'd reccommend any KJ Parker book.

  2. I'm reading A Discovery of Witches. My friend bought me it after raving about it. I'm finding it slow going to be honest, I'm hoping it picks up the pace a bit.

  3. If you haven't read Ready Player One by Ernest Cline yet, then you need to do so immediately if not sooner ;)

    Or if you're looking to try something a bit outside your comfort zone you might try Unholy Ghosts by Stacia Kane. I know the cover makes it look like a paranormal Charlaine Harris romance knock-off but having read the blurb and heard her at the SFX Weekender it promises to be something a bit different. I've ordered it anyway so I'll let you know what I think.

  4. Currently reading something decidedly non-fantasy ('Life: A User's Guide' if you really want to know). I guess my main advice for reading paranormal romance is to find something utterly absurd in some way. It won't be very good, but it'll be entertaining at least; kind of like watching B-Movies.

  5. I just finished "11.22.63" by Stephen King - loved this book. Highly recommended! Also "The Hunger Games" to see what all the fuss was about and yes I quite enjoyed it for what it was but not rushing out to get the sequel. Quarter of the way through "Shadow Ops: Control Point" and it's very good urban fantasy/military. If you like realistic military fantasy then yes this if for you


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