Sunday 29 April 2012

Giveaway! 'Rage of the Dragon' (Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman)

Thanks to Tor Books I have five copies of 'Rage of the Dragon' to give away on the blog (this might be one for those who have read the preceding book...), here's the blurb...

Skylan Ivorson is the gods-chosen Chief of all Vindras clans. But the gods from whom the Vindrasi draw their earthdwelling power are besieged by a new generation of gods who are challenging them for the powers of creation. The only way to stop these brash interlopers lies within the Five Bones of the Vektia Dragon—the primal dragon forged during the creation of the world—which have been lost for generations.

With the Gods of the New Dawn amassing a vast army, Skylan finds allies in former enemies. Calling upon the ogres to fight their common foes, the Vindrasi soon find themselves in the middle of an even larger war. Skylan and his Vindrasi clan must sail the Sea of Tears into the heart of the Forbidden Empire of the Cyclops, to implement a cunning yet delicate plan that risks his life and leadership at every corner. But a new enemy lies deep in the sea, one who draws upon powers never harnessed by land dwellers.

Does this sound like your kind of thing? Entering is as easy as ever (although this is a competition for US residents only, sorry everyone else...) All you need to do is drop me an email, address at the top right hand side of the screen, telling me who you are and where you live. The subject header should be 'Rage!' and the judge (me!) reserves the right to disqualify entries that use more than one exclamation mark in the subject header. That's just how I roll today :o)

I'll let this competition run until the 6th of May and will aim to announce the winners as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck!

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