Tuesday 17 April 2012

A few books that have caught my eye.

Yep, today was meant to be about a review of some book or another. What today ended up being about though was being told that I didn't get another job that I interviewed for (dammit) and then saying the hell with it and catching newts with Hope/watching some Doctor Who. I was not in the mood for thinking too hard about what I've been reading, hopefully tomorrow will be different :o)

In the meantime, a few books have been coming through the door and I thought a quick post was in order about some of the ones that have caught my eye. Check em' out...

Ashley was just trying to get through a tough day when the world turned upside down.
A terrifying virus appears, quickly becoming a pandemic that leaves its victims, not dead, but far worse. Attacked by zombies, Ashley discovers that she is a 'Wild-Card' -- immune to the virus -- and she is recruited to fight back and try to control the outbreak.

My first thought, when I saw the cover, was 'has Urban Fantasy just stormed the last bastion of monsters actually being scary instead of the object of a feisty heroines affection?' The answer is that I'm about a hundred, or so, pages in and the jury is still out on that one. 'Plague Town' is a lot of fun though. Don't let the cover put you off (too much)...

I've never read 'Hyperion', didn't even realise that there was such a book until I went looking for some cover art for this post (I know nothing about sci-fi sometimes) Perhaps a visit to 'Amazon New & Used' is in order. I asked for a copy of 'Fall of Hyperion' as I don't think I've heard a bad word said about it and wanted to see what the fuss was about. Have any of you read it?

You all know that I'm a fan of Alex Bledsoe and his 'Eddie LaCrosse' books don't you...? Just do a search on the blog if you didn't know already. I've been waiting to get my hands on this for a while now and today was the day that an advance copy chose to come through the door. As soon as 'Plague Town', and a couple of others, are done then I'll be getting into 'Wake'.

Any of these three books grab your eye? Anyone want to tell me that I really need to read 'Hyperion' first? Anyone want to tell me that the job wasn't right for me...? ;o) All comments welcome :o)


  1. Yes, read Hyperion first. Fall is the sequel and they need to be read in order.
    Great books though

  2. Before you start in on Fall of Hyperion, you should read Hyperion. It's the first book of the series and the best of the four.
    I've got the Eddie LaCrosse books sitting on my shelf, I guess I should get to them soon.

  3. The Fall of Hyperion is decent sequel to Hyperion, though it's not nearly as good. It's also a completely different book, foregoing the Canterbury Tales style of the first volume for more traditional sci-fi space opera. The first book is all setup, though, making this one more or less required reading if you want to see how the story plays out.

  4. Definitely going to read the Alex Bledsoe-- I always do. "Plague Town" looks interesting too. Glad to hear it isn't typical UF.

  5. Hyperion is a great read starts small ends big. Worth a look.


  6. Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion are two of the greatest books I've ever read. They pretty much redefined my view of science fiction. Read them. Read them now!

  7. Hyperion is phenomenal Graeme - you really, really should read it (before "The Fall of Hyperion" which is a direct sequel). Hyperion really is a masterpiece and the sequels are nearly as good. Get a copy ASAP!

  8. I suggest that you read "Hyperion" first. It just wouldn't really make much sense when the second book loses too much of its context if you don't experience what happens in the first.

    I would also suggest "Illium" and "Olympos," in case you haven't read those, as an even more recent show of Dan Simmons' science fiction writing. They're both worth the read if you especially enjoy a strange mix of Greek mythology and sci-fi epic.

    Thanks again for the past reviews and book nods.

  9. Surprised no one mentioned Endymion and The Rise of Endymion - the final books in the Hyperion quartet. Set 274 years after the Fall of Hyperion. All well worth reading. - Ian


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