Saturday 21 April 2012

Cover Art! 'Girl Genius Volume One: Agatha Awakens'

Because I've got a pounding headache starting to surface behind my eyeballs and I don't want to be in front of the computer monitor for too long... Check it out,

I'm not sure that I think too much of the characters here, it's like someone is trying to draw Manga but make it look like they're not drawing Manga all at the same time. Just stick with one or the other, seriously. What I do love though is the whole Steampunk vibe that's coming across, that would have sold the book on it's own but the 'Book Smuggler' quote on the back sealed the deal :o) There'll be a review either this coming week or the week after but here's some blurb in the meantime...

The Industrial Revolution has become all-out war! Mad Scientists, gifted with the Spark of genius, unleash insane inventions on an unprepared Europe. For centuries, the Heterodyne family of inventors kept the peace, but the last Heterodyne disappeared twenty years ago, leaving their ally Baron Klaus Wulfenbach to maintain order with his fleet of airships and army of unstoppable, if not very bright, Jaeger Monsters.
At Transylvania Polygnostic University, Agatha Clay dreams of being a scientist herself, but her trouble concentrating dooms her to be a lowly minion at best. When her locket, a family heirloom, is stolen, Agatha shows signs of having the Spark in a spectacular, destructive fashion and captures the attention of the Baron—and the Baron’s handsome young son, Gilgamesh.
Swept up to the Baron's Airship City, Agatha finds herself in the midst of the greatest minds of her generation, as well as palace intrigue, dashing heroes, and an imperial cat. Agatha may be the most brilliant mind of her generation and the key to control of the continent, but first, she just has to survive.
Apparently 'Girl Genius' is a web-comic and that's not a medium that I've really been able to get into (even I couldn't get away with that at work!) Has anyone here read the series? Any good?


  1. Girl Genius any good? Hell yeah! It's won the Hugo Awards for best graphic story so many times that they've voluntarily withdrawn for the time being so some other work gets a chance.

  2. I love Girl Genius. The novel that Phil and Kaja wrote based on the first 3 volumes of the web comic: Agatha H and the Airship City was seriously cool, and I hope I can find a copy of the graphic novels down here.


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