Wednesday 14 March 2012

'Straits of Galahesh' Competition

Not here, somewhere else... :o)

Just a quick one to point folks in the direction of a competition that Bradley Beaulieu is running to promote the forthcoming release of his new book 'The Straits of Galahesh' (I still need to read 'The Winds of Khalakovo', I know...)

The competition is only open to people in the US or Canada which is a real pain as I would have loved the chance to win a Kindle Fire... Now I know what it feels like to be at the wrong end of a 'US & Canada only' competition :o) It all looks very cool though so I'd get over there and check it out if I were you.

The competition details are Here while there's also a very cool 'Lays of Anuskaya' interactive map that can be found right Here.

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