Monday 12 March 2012

The 'Slightly Behind With Everything Today' Competition Winner's Post!

What? It's sunny outside and I wanted to get some of that sun before the rest of the week swallows me up in a mess of job hunting and cleaning the loft out (amongst other things). Surely you wouldn't begrudge me one last little ray of sunshine...? Thought not :o)

Just a quick one today then... Thanks to everyone who entered the 'Arctic Rising' competition last week, there could only be one winner though and that lucky lady was,

Holly Bryan, North Carolina, US

Nice work there, your book is on it's way! Better luck next time everyone else...

What's in store for the rest of the week? Well, there's a little bit of a 'Black Library Backlog' review wise but I'm hoping to spice that up a little with a 'Throne of the Crescent Moon' review at the very least. You might even get lucky and find yourselves reading a 'Caine's Law' review as well; that's turning out to be a very good read indeed.

Have a good one today and I'll see you back here tomorrow :o)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Graeme,

    Thank you SO much!! Huge thanks to you and to Tor (one of my fave publishers, actually) for holding this giveaway. I am thrilled to win this *signed* book and can't wait to get started reading it! Woohoo! I can't believe I won something...

    Holly B
    North Carolina, USA


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