Thursday 29 March 2012

New Cover Art for Michael Moorcock's 'The Warlord of the Air'

Titan will be republishing Michael Moorcock's 'A Nomad of the Time Streams' series and the cover for the first book, 'Warlord of the Air', will look like this...

Not bad if you like your books to look like the old cover art for Stephen Hunt's 'The Court of the Air'. Me though, I'd say that the steampunk theme in the 'Nomad' series should get a little more cover time than the merest skeletal outline of an airship...
That's why I'm really glad that my edition (collecting all three books) looks like this instead...

Which cover would you go for? Yep, me too :o)


  1. I've got an omnibus edition as well, but mine looks like this:

    Out of the 3 I like yours the best. I nabbed mine at a book sale a few years back. It said Moorcock so I had to buy it.

  2. I picked up a copy of the omnibus edition at the used book store recently, but my cover looks like this: Scans/Book Covers/Nomad+of+the+Time+Streams.jpg

    I think I like mine the best.

  3. Hm...out of all of the covers shown I must admit I like the one submitted by Salt-Man Z the best. It's still a bit too unworked for my tastes but it has a bit of that retro charm...
    The the one the edition you have is simply horrendous for me ...The character on the cover looks like a parody of the Red Baron with a really bad digestive problem (although that might make him more ill tempered and therefore more dangerous :))


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