Monday 6 February 2012

The 'Snow, what Snow?' Competition Winner's Post!

We had a little bit of snow yesterday and, erm... that was it. Bit of an anti-climax really although Hope had a lot of fun stamping in all the puddles that sprung up when the snow started melting. I was after something a little more substantial myself; something where I could sit in the warm and laugh at all the people struggling to get to work (because I can be evil like that!) Oh well, there's always time for more to come... please?

In a change from my normal Monday morning posts, I'm actually feeling quite happy. I do need to find a job but I've left one that I never really enjoyed at all; it's a guaranteed way to make your Mondays feel that much better! :o) I've also feeling sprightly because it's that time of the week where I get to be the bearer of good news to people who have won stuff in one of my competitions. Yep, I'm talking about the 'Phantom Menace' competition that I ran last week. The three lucky winners were...

Rebecca Denyer, Reading, UK
Kate Moss, London, UK
Anene Cousin, London, UK

Well done guys, your tickets should all be sorted out for you very soon :o) Better luck next time everyone else, I'm always looking to run competitions here so check back often and see if there's anything that takes your fancy.

That's that then for another Monday. Have a good one whatever you're doing; I shall be job hunting, reading (I've been reading some great stuff just recently) and tidying up after the little one...


  1. Hooray! That's great news! Thanks Graeme.

  2. Thanks so much!! Can't wait! :)

  3. Thats great, Thanks, my son will be over the moon x

  4. Congratulations! However, I WISH I knew about the competition!


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