Sunday 19 February 2012

Giveaway! 'Fated' (Benedict Jacka)

Orbit have a happy knack for getting hold of urban fantasies and then publishing the hell out of them. A lot of these books all look like the same story with a handy name change for the lead character (sorry but they do...) but every now and then you get what looks like the possibility of a real gem. Like Benedict Jacka's 'Fated' for example. Check out the blurb...

Camden, North London. A tangled, mangled junction of train lines, roads and the canal. Where minor celebrities hang out with minor criminals, where tourists and moody teenagers mingle, and where you can get your ears pierced and your shoulder tattooed while eating sushi washed down with a can of super strength beer. In the heart of Camden, where rail meets road meets leyline, you might find the Arcana Emporium, run by one Alex Verus. He won't sell you a wand or mix you a potion, but if you know what you're looking for, he might just be able to help. That's if he's not too busy avoiding his apprentice, foiling the Dark, outwitting the Light, and investigating a highly toxic Relic that has just turned up at the British Museum.

I just need to finish off Chuck Wendig's 'Black Birds' and then I'll be into 'Fated' :o) Thanks to Orbit, I have three copies of 'Fated' to give away to three lucky readers here (open to UK readers only though, sorry about that...)

If you want in all you need to do is drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your postal address is. The subject header needs to be 'Fated'. That's all you need to do, I'll do everything else :o)

I'll let this one run until the 26th of February and will aim to announce the winner as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck!


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