Tuesday 21 February 2012

The 'Chunky Book Challenge'!

Because I'm feeling a little pleased with myself at finally managing to get through a book that's over five hundred pages long, it's been a while... :o)
I feel like I could do it all over again but reading what book...? Well, that's where the 'Chunky Book Challenge' comes in and that's where you come in as well. Tell me what you think I should read next! Here are the contenders...

Officially the fattest book on the reading pile as of right now :o)

A book that has beaten me at least three times already (usually around about the hundred and fifty page mark). I think this time could be different though...

Another series that I stalled on due to the sheer size (and weight) of the latest installment...

Which one should I pick up first then? I think I know which one will win... but will it? We'll see.
Leave a comment below the post saying which book you think I should read; the one with the most votes at the end of today will be the book that I start reading tomorrow. I'm not setting myself a time limit or anything here (because that never ends well), just going to go with the flow and see how it goes.

So there we have it, comments please! :o)


  1. Hmm.. tough one. Rothfuss' book is hit-n-miss, Ericson writes well, but his series lost me in Book one with sooo many characters and storyline... and Bakker's first book TDTCB shocked me with its mediocrity, especially in light of the praise it received...

    I guess I'd vote for Rothfuss, but it certainly isn't likely to get you into reading giant books again... lots of good content, lots of places that draaagggg.

  2. They are all good books. However, I would go with Dust of Dreams, since that series is finished, and the other two both have at least one more book forthcoming. I'm sure you'll enjoy any of them. - Jeff

  3. Bakker. Bakker is good.

  4. I will also go with Bakker if only because there are fewer reviews on that book than the other two.

  5. I'd say Dust of Dreams - it's one you have to power through and not leave it too long until you read Crippled God or, if you're like me, you'll start forgetting things!

  6. My vote is for The Wise Man's Fears because I like the cover though the other two look good too. I'm doing a chunkster challenge as well reading Crown of Vengeance by Stephen Zimmer over 550 pages and it's sequel is over 700 the third comes out in May I think so I'm wondering how big that will be. I suspect I could knock someone out with any of them though. Stephen's a friend though and I've felt horrible being a book reviewer and not having read any of his books yet so I just had to. Should be done today.

  7. Don't read Wise Man's Fear!!
    It was a huge disappointment for me, and I sulked for days after I'd finished it...

    I would go with Dust of Dreams :)

  8. Gotta go with Wise Man's Fear. As mixed a reaction as it's received, I find it hard to believe Rothfuss has lost all the magic of the first.

    Dust of Dreams was a great book, but finishing it means you're compelled to move onto The Crippled God, which I felt was one of the poorest, most disappointing endings to a saga I've ever read.

  9. I'm voting for Wise Man's Fear, because I'm curious to read your thoughts on it.

  10. Wise Man's Fear. PR's writing style will make you burn right through it.

  11. Read Wise Man's Fear. Rothfuss is still the man.

  12. Dust of Dreams, and then Crippled God! I don't agree with people who disliked CG - a great end to one of the best fantasy series of all time ;-)

  13. Bakker. Definitely Bakker. Unless you haven't read the previous installments of course.


  14. If you liked NotW you should go for Wise Man's Fear. Malazan defeated me in Memories of Ice, which many say is the best, but they just weren't doing it for me. I haven't tried Bakker yet.

  15. Surprised to here people here weren't thrilled with Wise Man's Fear. I thoroughly enjoyed it, although I caught Rothfuss at a midnight signing and heard him talk about it and his process so that may have clouded my judgement a bit. For a followup, I think it's one of the better ones I've read and I wasn't disappointed a bit.

    I loved the first few books from Erickson but he lost me around book 4-5 of that series.

  16. For me it would be an easy choice. Dust of Dreams, Steven Erikson is my favorite fantasy writer out there right now. No one else can match him when it comes to creating compelling characters, and his world building is amazing. I could go on, but I wont.

  17. Well, I only read Dust of Dreams so I guess it's normal I'd say go for that :)

    (plus I have never encountered something so, as someone already said, mediocre as Bakker's books...I honestly can't figure out what people see in that...)


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