Tuesday 31 January 2012

A Little Wishlist...

I've spent the last few days in Plymouth and very nice it's been too :o) As much as I don't want to go back home I don't really have much choice in the matter so I'm hoping that there will be at least a couple of books waiting on the doorstep to sweeten the deal. You want specifics? Here goes...

Because I've been hearing a lot of good things about this book and it sounds like just the kind of reading that I need right now ('engaging and fun' is the order of the day with a side of 'sword and sorcery'). I've really got my fingers crossed for this one.

The 'Horus Heresy' series has very much become a 'mark the release of each new book in the diary' kind of affair for me; a 'Horus Heresy' book from Dan Abnett gets the same treatment plus at least one sleepless night wondering if my copy will show up the next day. I really hope today's that day...

If I had to choose one of these books I'd go for... Well, it has to be 'Know No Fear', Abnett hasn't let me down yet while Ahmed is an unknown quantity (although like I said, I've been hearing good things). We'll see what the postman has left for me I guess... Are any of you guys positively itching for the postman to show up at your door? What book(s) are you waiting for and should I give them a go?

In other news, 'A Dance With Dragons' is nearing the close and right now I don't know how I feel about it. There are flashes of brilliance but there are just as many moments that, well... just aren't. I'm hoping to have it all read by the end of the week so you can expect a review fairly soon after that.

Thanks for bearing with me, over the last week, by the way. The whole 'job ending' thing has meant a whole load of changes already and it's only been a week since I finished! Things are on the up again though so the blog should be looking more like it should very soon ;o)


  1. I've heard good things about Throne of the Crescent Moon - sounds like it'll be a good read. Looking forward to your review :)

  2. I'll be very interested to hear what you think of Dance with Dragons. It's sitting on my shelf, waiting till I get through the pile of books before it in the queue.

  3. "Throne of the Crescent Moon" is on my wishlist, too, since it looks interesting and I've seen so many reviews talking about how good it is!

  4. When I first saw that cover for Throne Of The Crescent Moon I thought someone had turned Moses into an action hero.

  5. Hope the job front improves for you soon and Know No Fear is on my must read list but Abnett needs to drop a big fluff bomb in this book to keep my intrest in the never ending HH Saga :)

  6. Orb, Sceptre, Throne. Where is my copy???? In Australia, being sent from the UK, deliveries have been taking awhile of late and this has been two weeks now... C'mon! Any Malazan book goes straight to the top of the pile ;-)

  7. I'm quite looking forward to Crescent Moon myself. I was lucky enough to recently get one of my awaited 2012 releases and it was totally made of WIN and AWESOME.

  8. Throne of the crescent moon looks really, really good...*drool*
    I've never got into the Horus Heresey...try as I might I can't even make it through Horus Rising.. :(

  9. Justfinished reading Know No Fear myself- it's a truly excellent book, as far as the HH series goes then I can, personally, hold it up as my favourite in the series.


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