Sunday 8 January 2012

Giveaway! 'In the Lion's Mouth' (Michael Flynn)

Thanks for waiting patiently US readers, this one's for you :o)

Thanks to the qually nice people at Tor, I have one copy of 'In the Lion's Mouth' to give away, a book that I should hopefully be picking up soon. Here's the blurb,

It’s a big Spiral Arm, and the scarred man, Donavan buigh, has gone missing in it, upsetting the harper Mearana's plans for a reconciliation between her parents. Bridget ban, a Hound of the League, doubts that reconciliation is possible or desirable; but nonetheless has dispatched agents to investigate the disappearance.

The powerful Ravn Olafsdottr, a Shadow of the Names, slips into Clanthompson Hall to tell mother and daughter of the fate of Donovan buigh. In the Long Game between the Confederation of Central Worlds and the United League of the Periphery, Hound and Shadow are mortal enemies; yet a truce descends between them so that the Shadow may tell her tale. There is a struggle in the Lion’s Mouth, the bureau that oversees the Shadows—a clandestine civil war of sabotage and assassination between those who would overthrow Those of Name and the loyalists who support them. And Donovan, one-time Confederal agent, has been recalled to take a key part, willingly or no.

Quite a hefty blurb, compared to yesterday's, but there you go :o)

If you want in (and it's 'US readers only') then drop me an email, address at the top right hand side of the screen, telling me who you are and what your postal address is. The subject header needs to be 'Lion'. It's that simple :o)

As with yesterday's competition, I'll be leaving this one open until the 15th of January and will announce the winner as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for having this giveaway!!! This book sounds great!!!


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