Tuesday 24 January 2012

2012 World Book Night... Now with added SFF!

I didn't really pay much attention to World Book Night, last year, and only really caught the tail end of all the fuss and bother about there not being any SFF on the list. One year on and World Book Night has not only 'redeemed' itself a little bit by including SFF on the list but has showed that it knows what it's talking about by including 'Let The Right One In' and Iain M. Banks' 'The Player of Games'.

Having never read 'Let The Right One In' (any good?) this post is all about plugging 'The Player of Games'; it's been a long time since I read it but the twist in the tale has stayed with me all that time. A stunning work of SF as far as I'm concerned, maybe I'll read it for World Book Night...

Anyway... If you want to be a giver on World Book Night, or if you want to find out more about 'The Player of Games' then click on this Link and get going. I'll tell you now though, give it a read; you won't regret it :o)


  1. My initial thought was great, a good excuse/reminder to indulge in a re-read. However, upon reading your comments, Graeme, I'm now not sure that I read it in the first place! An even more pressing reason for me to dust off my copy ......

  2. Let the Right One in is a great vampire novel - and quite a quick read too

  3. The Player of Games is a brilliant novel. I used the name "Gurgeh" for a while for a number of online games. It's been a long time since I reread this one. Hmmm...


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