Monday 12 December 2011

Monday Morning Cover Art! (Christian Slater Edition...)

Is it just me or is that Christian Slater being chased by a giant down some twisting street or other? What do you reckon...?

I picked 'Giant Thief' up last night thanks to this post from the Mad Hatter; I'm only a few pages in but will add my voice to his as far as recommending this 2012 release (from Angry Robot) goes. It's all looking very promising, check out the blurb...

Meet Easie Damasco, rogue, thieving swine and total charmer.

Even the wicked can’t rest when a vicious warlord and the force of enslaved giants he commands invade their homeland. Damasco might get away in one piece, but he’s going to need help.

Now there's a blurb that's short and sweet! No mention of the... that would probably be telling. I'm looking to post a review possibly next week so you'll find out more then :o)

What else am I reading? Well, I've picked up 'Neuromancer', for the first time in years, and I've also got Gav Thorpe's 'Deliverance Lost' and Christian Dunn's 'Age of Legends' on the go. If that wasn't enough, I'm gearing up to get started on 'The Heroes' and 'The Emperor's Knife'; my copy of 'The Call of Cthulhu' is also starting to feel all neglected and unloved at the bottom of my bag. Yet again, I can't seem to settle on just one book at the moment...

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one to pick up on Damasco's suprising Slaterishness! I suggested he should look like a scruffy Diego Luna, but the Slatermeister will do just as well, right? At least if there's ever a movie it'll be dirt cheap to cast...

    Glad your enjoying Giant Thief so far, I'll look forward to seeing your review.


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