Saturday 24 December 2011

Giveaway! 'Juggernaut' and 'The Return Man'

Because nothing says 'Christmas Eve', on this blog, like a giveaway for zombie books! :o)

Thanks to the lovely people at Hodder & Stoughton, I've got two books to give away (in one 'pack') that I think any zombie fan should enjoy. You'll probably enjoy them even if you're not ;o) check out the blurbs...

Iraq 2005

Seven mercenaries journey deep into the desert in search of Saddam's gold. They form an unlikely crew of battle-scarred privateers, killers and thieves, veterans of a dozen war zones, each of them anxious to make one last score before their luck runs out.

They will soon find themselves marooned among ancient ruins, caught in a desperate battle for their lives, confronted by greed, betrayal, and an army that won't stay dead...
The outbreak tore the USA in two. The east remains a safe haven. The west has become a ravaged wilderness. They call it the Evacuated States.

It is here that Henry Marco makes his living. Hired by grieving relatives, he tracks down the dead to deliver peace.

Now Homeland Security wants Marco, for a mission unlike any other. He must return to California, where the apocalypse began. Where a secret is hidden. And where his own tragic past waits to punish him again.

But in the wastelands of America, you never know who - or what - is watching you . . .

Two zombie books (advance copies as well, neither will be out until early 2012), one lucky winner... Are you in?

Before we go any further, this competition is only open to UK residents. Sorry about that everyone else... If you're still with me then you'll know only too well that all you need to do to enter is drop me an email (address at the top right hand corner of the screen) telling me who you are and your postal address. The subject head needs to be 'Zombies!'

I'll leave this one open until New Year's Day and will aim to announce winners as soon as possible afterwards.

Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. Because nothing says Christmas Eve, on this blog, like a giveaway for zombie books!

    Brilliant! :)

    Here's hoping you and yours have a hell of Christmas, Graeme, and a happy hoppy new year, too.


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