Friday 30 December 2011

For all you people who got e-readers this Christmas...

I wasn't a member of this merry band by the way, I'm holding off a little while longer and waiting for an affordable reader that will let me read comic books. The wait continues... :o)

For everyone else, the SF Gateway site is running a sale where all of the books on the site are just £2.99 each between now and the 3rd of January. I'm not sure what constitutes a decent price for an e-book (which makes me feel rather old come to think of it) but there are loads of books on the site so it has to be worth a look :o)

Happy Browsing! :o)


  1. There's been some reports of shoddy formatting with many (certainly not all) of the SF Gateway's older back-list titles. Mainly what looks like OCR scan errors with very little proof-reading of the finished product.

    Obviously something has to give in the price to quality tug o' war... after all, how much money should they (the publishers) invest in converting these older titles into ebooks for the limited number of copies they're going to sell?

    So this isn't a rant against the SF Gateway, but rather a heads-up for any potential buyers who might be expecting special-edition, leather-bound quality typography for a bargain-bin OCR price. ;)

  2. SFGateway mostly publish out-of-print Science Fiction and Fantasy books in e-book form - things like the complete back catalogue of people like Jack Vance, Robert Silverberg or John Brunner (and apparently soon Michael Moorcock as well), or even older authors like Henry Kuttner and Fredric Brown, not even to mention all those authors who I never heard of but who look very interesting like Barrington J. Bailey - as far as I'm concerned, it's absolutely fantastic and really makes me glad I got myself a Kindle earlier this year.

  3. I doubt we'll ever see an e-reader that does justice to books and comics. I've had my Sony Reader for 2 years now, and it still amazes me how close it is to paper, but it's no good for comics. I picked up a cheap Pandigital tablet on Boxing Day just for comics - for under $100 it works quiet well (I'm working through the Dark Tower comics at the moment).

  4. Greame,

    I have a Samsung Galaxy tab and uses this for e-reading. To answer your question, Marvel Comics have an application on the Android Market that allows you to download, purchase and read comics book.

    Thanks for the great blog,

  5. Thank you for sharing this. I'll check it for sure, because my free trial membership from All You Can Books has expired and I want to download some eBooks... It doesn't matter if I must pay for them, as long as I find something interesting to read. I'm happy that I found your blog with this article, because it's the last day of the SF Gateway. Thanks again!


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