Monday 14 November 2011

The 'Wishing I was still in Malta' Competition Winner's Post!

And they told me the weather was going to be all manky and grey in Malta last week, how wrong they were... Substitute 'manky' for 'lovely' and 'grey' for 'really, really hot' and that would be more accurate :o) Long(ish) walks, good food and a toddler that insists on playing in phone booths and water fountains... The only thing that didn't really happen was the holiday reading (thanks to the aforementioned toddler) but that's the way it goes sometimes. I really didn't want to come back but here I am and it's way past time that I announced the winners of the three competitions that were running over the last week and a bit. Here goes...

Daniel Franklin, St. Andrews, UK

Ron Pratt, Utah, US
Lorrie Zielinski, Illinois, US

Stewart Middleton, Cheshire, UK
Mark Lehto, London, UK
Mark Dawson, Northants, UK

Nice one chaps (and lady!), your books are on their way even as we speak ;o)

So, what's in store for the blog this week then...? I'm not sure to be honest, I've got some books that I'm really excited about but I've also got a couple of books that have been read and need reviewing... even though I had a real feeling of meh' about the pair of them. Probably some of the good stuff and some of the not so good then; come back tomorrow to see if I'll be 'rating or slating'...


  1. Well, that's more than a little bit cool - thank you! A few horror stories and haunted houses can never be far amiss!

    And congratulations to all the other winners! Enjoy your books! ;-)

  2. Super excited I won.. Heard many great things about the book.. Thank you so much for the great giveaway.


  3. Thanks - looking forward to it (as the next one is already out too).

    Sorry for the delay - had some technical problems...

  4. Superb! Am looking forward to reading this, can't wait! Not received it yet, but I blame the post for that one. Stew Middleton, Cheshire.


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