Sunday 13 November 2011

One for 2012...? 'Juggernaut' (Adam Baker)

It's getting to that time of year again where next year's advance copies start to make their way to my doorstep; sometimes it's great being me :o) I'm never going to read them all so what I aim to do instead is give you all a little heads up on books coming out, next year, that you might not have heard of just yet. Like Adam Baker's 'Juggernaut' for example. Check out the blurb...

Iraq 2005

Seven mercenaries journey deep into the desert in search of Saddam's gold. They form an unlikely crew of battle-scarred privateers, killers and thieves, veterans of a dozen war zones, each of them anxious to make one last score before their luck runs out.

They will soon find themselves marooned among ancient ruins, caught in a desperate battle for their lives, confronted by greed, betrayal, and an army that won't stay dead...

It might not sound like much from the blurb but I'm really excited about this one as it's written by none other than the Adam Baker who write 'Outpost', a book that I absolutely loved. If 'Juggernaut' is anything like the book 'Outpost' was (And we're talking 'zombies in the desert' so there's a pretty good chance it will be) then I'm in for a great read. I'll let you know how it goes but has it piqued your interest in the meantime?


  1. I'm very lucky to have received a copy of Outpost last week - I can't wait to start reading it! This one looks like it will be very quickly added to my wishlist too!

  2. I love the sound of this one - thanks for the heads up.

    Pabkins @ Mission to Read

  3. Wishlisted at once. "Outpost" was a cracking read. Nice to go somewhere warm for a change though.

  4. The cover looks fantastic! Coupled with your glowing review of Outpost I think Mr. Baker will definitely raid my wallet a bit ;)

  5. Glad you folks like the look of it. (Hi, Carmen.) I look forward to hearing what you think.


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