Sunday 6 November 2011

Giveaway! ‘Eyes To See’ (Joseph Nassise)

Thanks to those lovely people at Tor, I have two copies of what sounds like a great book to give away. Check the blurb,
Jeremiah Hunt has been broken by a malevolent force that has taken his young daughter and everything else of value in his life: his marriage, his career, his reputation. Abandoning all hope for a normal life, he enters the world of ghosts and dangerous entities from beyond the grave. Sacrificing his normal sight so that he can see the souls of the dead, Hunt embarks on a strange new career: chasing away wayward spirits that torment the living. With the help of two ghostly companions, Hunt searches for clues to Elizabeth’s fate. As he descends into the maelstrom of his terrifying quest, he discovers that even his deepest fears are but prelude to yet darker deeds by a powerful entity from beyond the grave…one that will not let him go until it has used him for its own nefarious purposes.
I think I’ll be picking this up, do you fancy winning a copy? It’s US entrants only I’m afraid...
All you need to do to enter is drop me an email (address at the top right hand corner of the screen) telling me who you are and what your postal address is. The subject header should be ‘Eyes’. Don’t enter more than once or you might just find yourself not being entered at all!
I’ll let this one run until the 13th of November and will announce the winner as soon as possible afterwards.
Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading it right now! About 200 pages in from one sitting. I'm rather enjoying it!


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