Thursday 3 November 2011

Dark Horse are working on something with Caitlin Kiernan...

I've got no idea what it is (the official announcement coming next week) but the picture below turned up, in my email inbox, as a little teaser. Check it out...

Doesn't that look gorgeous? What do you think? No idea what it's about but I'll be keeping an eye open for the official announcement next week and I reckon that I'll pick up the first issue at the very least...


  1. Creepy and beautiful - can't wait to hear the details!

  2. Looks to be something to do with Caitlin Kiernan's Alabaster stories. See here:

    Very excited about this news if it is what it appears to be. Dancy Flammarion is a man among men; one of Kiernan's most memorable characters.


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