Monday 24 October 2011

The 'Quiet, almost... too quiet...' Competition Winner's Post!

Sue and Hope went up to Yorkshire at the weekend and I had the house to myself; cue lots of takeaway food, bad zombie films and DIY involving the strongest superglue I could get my hands on! No watching 'Mary (Bloody) Poppins' either :o) This may not sound like a big deal but when you're forced to watch it every mealtime, otherwise someone won't eat, then you end up really appreciating the break... :o) I even got a little bit of reading done ('A Dance With Dragons' is shaping up to be a good read but I do wish it would get a move on...)
It was far too quiet though so I was really glad when Sue and Hope got back, things are back to normal again.

So yeah, where was I...? That's it, competition winners! Thanks to everyone who entered the 'Towers of Midnight' competition last week, just goes to show that there are still people out there who will wait that extra year for the paperback release (and I like that). The winners were...

Deb LeBlanc, Florida, US
Evan Christopher, Michigan, US

Nice one guys! Your books should be on their way to you later today. Better luck next time everyone else...
That's it for me today (I need a coffee like you would not believe...) but stick around this week for zombies, Doctor Who and to see what I review on Friday; I've got no idea what I'll be reviewing on Friday....
You might also get to see me do a little happy dance when the blog hits a million views sometime in the next three or four days... :o)


  1. Haha! Enjoy the peace and quiet. It's anything with Justin Fletcher in here. Mr Tumble and Justin's House until she goes to bed, even if she's out in the garden - you dare turn the TV off and she seems to have hyper sensitive hearing and comes charging in at full speed declaring "I WAS WATCHING THAT!"

  2. It was back to Mary (Bloody) Poppins at teatime last night but it was worth it to see Hope making firework noises :o)

  3. Thank you sooo much!! I have waited forever for this set to end (1 to go) Thank you also for the reviews. I enjoy your insights and comments.


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