Wednesday 26 October 2011

Do You Remember Me Talking About The 'Happy Dance'?

You know, the other day? Well, the dance was well and truly danced last night as visits to the blog topped the one million mark :o) I don't go on too much about milestones here but this is one that I'm proud of, especially as blogging consistently has become a lot more difficult over the last year or so.

Thanks then to everyone who has stopped by and had a read, I hope you've enjoyed it :o) Thanks as well in advance to those of you who are planning on coming back tomorrow (and the day after and so on...) to see what happens next. See you tomorrow? ;o)


  1. Congratulations!
    That's a real milestone. I will come back again...

  2. Major congratulations! I get a little excited whenever I get an extra 100 hits, so to hit the big million is awesome. Fancy donating some hits to a lonesome blogger? ;)

  3. Huzzah! and here's to the next mil.

  4. Oh! Congratulations!! What an achievement:^)


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