Monday 3 October 2011

The 'Banana!' Competition Winner's Post!

Because my life isn't just about sci-fi, fantasy and horror reading; not any more. Especially when Hope gives me a book to read her and then sits on my lap before I get a chance to say something along the lines of, "are you sure you don't want to read 'The Walking Dead' instead?" Ed Vere's 'Banana' was required reading this weekend, the first couple of times because Hope liked it but then because Sue and I were having so much doing the voice of the little monkey :o) The little monkey in the book may want a banana but has to learn to say the word 'please' first; I don't think I've ever seen so much emotion and meaning in a book that repeats the same two words over and over again! It's such a lovely read and if you've got a little one then I'd highly recommend picking a copy up if you can find one.

Anyway, back to business...

Thanks to everyone who entered last week's competition to win a copy of 'Ganymede'. There could only be one winner though and that winner was...

Samantha Atkin, Illinois, USA

Nice going there Sam! Your book should be on it's way to you very soon.

So, what will I be reading this week? 'Banana!' will probably get a few more reads amongst other baby books involving subject matter such as 'eating is good' and 'see the fluffy sheep'... :o)
As far as books for the blog go though, Rhiannon Frater's 'Fighting to Survive' is being read as we speak and 'The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor' was finished over the weekend. You can expect to see one, or both, of them reviewed this week along with a couple of others. See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much! I'm so excited to read this as I just loved Boneshaker and can't recommend it enough :)


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