Monday 5 September 2011

The 'Just the Competition Winners' Competition Winner's Post!

Hope you all had a great weekend! I did, got plenty of reading done and that always goes down well as far as I'm concerned, 'The Damned Highway' is shaping up nicely and I've got 'The Cold Commands' on the go as well :o)

Just a quick post today as I'm rushing all over the place being incredibly busy. I couldn't pass up the chance to announce the winners of last week's competition though; the two lucky winners of a copy of Simon Spurrier's 'A Serpent Uncoiled' were...

Andris Bekmanis, Riga, Latvia
Sascha Walter, Mainz, Germany

Well done guys and, as ever, better luck next time everyone else... See you all tomorrow :o)

1 comment:

  1. Just browsing the net and found your blog. Great! Finally a blog that is easy read, has a simple and plain design which is easy to navigate (too many blinking buttons out there ;-) and interesting books!
    I am definately a new follower!


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