Saturday 10 September 2011

Giveaway! 'Heir to the Empire - 20th Anniversary Edition' (Timothy Zahn)

Thanks to the good people at Del Rey, I have one copy of the 20th anniversary edition of 'Heir to the Empire' (reviewed Here) to give away; guaranteed to be a better way of getting your 'Star Wars Fix' than watching the prequel trilogy... ;o) I'm afraid that this competition is only open to US residents though, sorry about that everyone else...

If you're still with me, entering is as easy as ever. Just drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your postal address is. The subject header needs to be 'Heir'.

I'll let this one run until the 18th of September and will aim to announce the winner on the 19th.

Good Luck!


  1. *stands on West Wales coast and begins dumping buckets of sand into the Atlantic Ocean*

    If there's a land bridge to from Fisgguard to New York then damnit we can all be the same landmass :P

  2. I, too, will be very envious of the winner. I'd best keep saving the pennies to pick up a copy.

  3. Has it really been 20 years? Seeing this makes me feel old because I remember picking it up at a Walden's Books when it came out.

  4. Thanks for the giveaway! Figured since I enter to many of yours I'd tell you about my sister's! She is going to giveaway a zombie plush bunny she made. post to go up monday for followers


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