Thursday 15 September 2011

Forthcoming Signings at Forbidden Planet

Some signings to look out for if you're on London over the next few weeks. From the email...

Forbidden Planet is delighted to be presenting an autumn of top signings, by our favourite authors, for the very best of the season’s new titles.

On Thursday 29th September, we’re delighted to welcome CHRISTOPHER FOWLER for BRYANT & MAY AND THE MEMORY OF BLOOD, signing at our London Megastore from 6 - 7pm.

On Monday 3rd October from 6pm, our London Megastore will be hosting a Night of Horror, one of our trademark multi-author signings, featuring JOHN AVJIDE LINDQVIST signing his new title LITTLE STAR.

He’ll also be signing the anthology A BOOK OF HORRORS alongside some of the best-known and loved names in the genre. Forbidden Planet are delighted to welcome renowned editor STEPHEN JONES, and authors RAMSEY CAMPBELL, PETER CROWTHER, LES EDWARDS, REGGIE OLIVER and ROBERT SHEARMAN.

All of this – and we’re very pleased to have with us top-ten bestselling author PETER F HAMILTON, signing in our London Megastore for his short story collection MANHATTAN IN REVERSE on Thursday 6th October 6 – 7pm.

All being well, I'd love to go to the Peter F. Hamilton signing but I'm not sure about the other two. Maybe I'll see you there? :o)

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