Monday 19 September 2011

The ‘Back And Better Than Ever!’ Competition Winner’s Post!

Morning all :o) The last couple of weeks have been all about recharging my batteries and getting to a point where I’m not still yawning at three in the afternoon; it took some doing (with the help of the pub down the road from my in-laws which does a mean Baileys coffee...) but I’m fighting fit and raring to go once again! Just in time to go back to work today, hmmm...

I hope you enjoyed what I was able to come up with, for the blog, while I was off doing other stuff; thanks once again to those people who very kindly agreed to contribute guest posts while I was away (really appreciated it guys!) I’m back now though and I’ve got a nice little pile of books all ready for review; I also have Richard Morgan’s ‘The Cold Commands’ (very good so far) and Kirsten Imani Kasai's ‘Tattoo’ (not bad but I really could have done with reading the prequel first...) on the go as well so the next few days are going to be pretty interesting here. I’d hang around if I were you ;o)

Before I get on to the business of announcing competition winners, a couple of people asked where this amazing bookshop was; you know, the one where I was planning to spend my birthday on Friday (thanks for all the birthday wishes by the way!) I don’t normally give away secrets like this but you’ve caught me in a good mood today (even though I’m at work) so here goes...

If you ever find yourself in Plymouth then you really need to spend some time around the Barbican; a little area by the harbour full of nice cafes, an absolutely huge aquarium and my favourite second hand book shop – ‘The Book Cupboard’. It’s on ‘The Parade’ and is generously stacked with all those sci-fi, fantasy and horror books that you thought you’d never see again, as well as a few that you’ve probably never even heard of. I’m not too sure about the flat rate pricing (£3 a book no matter what state they are in or how thick they are) but you can’t complain at the variety of books on offer. I spent a fair bit of money in there without even realising it...
Once you’re done there check out ‘Cornerstone Books’ as well, part of a series of little antique shops just round the corner from ‘The Book Cupboard’ (around the back of the tourist centre). I didn’t get to spend too much time browsing here as Hope decided to keep running away and I had to catch her... The pricing does vary a little more though and there are literally piles of books to browse over. Maybe next time... Anyway, check these two bookshops out if you’re ever in Plymouth and thank me later :o)

Right, competition winners... Thanks to everyone who entered, the lucky winners were,

Ransom Hollister, Ohio, US

Jaycee Daniel, Lancashire, UK

Well done! Your books should be on their way to you in the next day or so. Better luck next time everyone else...

That’s it for today, see you all tomorrow ;o)


  1. Thank so much for selecting me. I'm a big book reader of most genre.
    I'm sure you can never have enough books, shoes and handbags! (Although hubby doesn't agree with the last two!)

    Have a fantastic birthday. X

  2. Cool! I've read every Star Wars book that's been released, love the blog, and am glad to add this to my collection. Thanks so much for all your work and the contests on top of all that.


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