Monday 22 August 2011

The 'Slightly Later Than Normal' Competition Winner's Post!

Because sometimes just the one cup of coffee isn't going to do the trick. Yep, it's one of those mornings... :o(
How was your weekend? Mine was good fun although the reading that I'd planned to do for the blog somehow ended up being me reading 'Horsey, Horsey', 'Hey Diddle Diddle' and 'Wee Willie Winkie' to Hope over and over again. I was cool with that though ;o)

As far as this week goes, things are pretty much up in the air as far as content on the blog goes but what you'll definitely be getting is a review for 'Pigeons from Hell' (the graphic novel 'sequel' this time) and Gav Thorpe's 'The Purging of Kadillus'. I reckon Joe McKinney's 'Flesh Eaters' will probably feature as well, we'll see about the rest...

Before all of that though, I've got some competition winners to announce :o) Thanks to everyone who entered the 'Magic of Recluce' competition that I ran last week. As much as I wanted everyone to win a copy... erm... that would really have defeated the purpose of the whole thing wouldn't it? Only five people could win and those five people were...

Joel Cunningham, Illinois, US
Joseph A. Gervasi,Philadelphia,
Michael Carter, British Columbia, Canada
Sara Chamama, New York, US
Amber Young, Idaho, US

Well done guys, your books should be with you very soon :o) Better luck next time everyone else. There's a competition just below this post that could be your thing and, if not, there should be at least one more next weekend as well :o)

See you tomorrow, I'm off to try and put some interview questions together...


  1. Thanks for hosting the contest! This will be my first time reading the book... I have heard a lot of good things. It really seems to have endured.

  2. Graeme! I read and enjoy all your postings and now I've won a book from you. Score! Thanks so much and keep up the super work. All the best, Joseph (Exhumed Films/Diabolik DVD)

  3. Thanks! I can't wait to read this!

  4. So excited to finally read this!


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