Thursday 11 August 2011

Orbit gives a royal welcome to Queen Victoria vampire series!

Another day, another press release! I'm not a huge fan of Gail Carriger's work (well, the one book that I read...) so this one is for those of you who are. Check it out...

Little, Brown imprint Orbit has acquired an urban fantasy trilogy by Kate Locke, a pseudonym for Kathryn Smith, about an alternative world where Queen Victoria is an immortal vampire – and still on the throne to this day. 

Commissioning editor Anna Gregson bought UK and Commonwealth rights to God Save the Queen, plus two more titles in the series, from Tracy Williams at Hachette Book Group USA. Orbit UK and Orbit US will publish the series internationally, with the first book scheduled for release in July 2012.
Set in the modern day, God Save the Queen features a Victorian age that never ended. In this alternative world, an immortal vampire monarchy has ruled for the past 170 years. It’s a place where the horse-drawn carriages, ball gowns and corsets of the vampire aristocracy are juxtaposed with the modern fashions and technologies of the humans living alongside them.

Anna Gregson said: ‘What drew us to this series was its fantastically fun, kooky and unique premise. Following our recent success with authors such as Gail Carriger, readers seem hungry for more urban fantasy with a twist - and Kate Locke has made this unusual idea work beautifully. We’re delighted to welcome her to our list!’

The phrase 'urban fantasy with a twist' could swing it for me; it is really cool to see Urban Fantasy novels starting to take a little more of a risk and move in different directions. I've got to say though that this probably won't feature highly on my reading list for next year, not when I'm still trying to get through my reading list for last year (and the year before...) Does this book sound like one for you or (like me) is it one for someone else...?


  1. This sort of reminds me of Kim Newman's Anno Dracula Series, which has been on my list of books to read for a bit now. The difference being the focus on Victoria.

  2. Hmmm...much as I love vampire stories, I don't know about this one.


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