Monday 1 August 2011

The 'Hope enjoyed her first after-signing drinks' Competition Winner's Post!

Morning all and welcome to August! After what was quite possibly the coldest and wettest July ever I'm hoping for better things from this month; don't let me down August...

That's not to say that July was a complete washout though. July actually signed off in fine style with the Orbit signing at Forbidden Planet on Saturday. We didn't get there until quite late on and then Hope decided that the last place she wanted to be was downstairs in Forbidden Planet... (no idea what that was all about, downstairs in Forbidden Planet is my favourite place in the world!) Luckily for all concerned though, Hope perked up for the after signing drinks and had great fun showing off in front of Nicole Peeler, Tim Lebbon (I got to meet Tim Lebbon!), Philip Palmer and Simon Morden (I will read your books, even if the covers destroy my eyes...)
If all that wasn't enough for one Saturday, I got home to find a new James Herbert book waiting for me ('The Secret of Crickley Hall', not new at all but a new Tor edition so erm... yeah...) as well as a very cool looking zombie book that I'm reading right now. Like I said August, you've got a lot to live up to...

One final bit of business from July though... Thanks to everyone who entered the 'Conan' competition last week, there could only be the three winners though and they were...

Karen Mottola, Rhode Island, US
Adam Blomquist, Massachusetts, US
Joe Oswald, Ohio, US

Well done guys, you've got some great reading ahead of you! :o) Better luck next time everyone else... Look out for my review later on this week. Oh, that reminds me... Remember on Saturday when I mentioned that big pile of books I wanted off my hands? That's gone now.

So what can you expect from me this week (and maybe this month)? 'Conan' and 'The First Days' (the zombie book I mentioned a few lines up) will be reviewed this week which leaves space for one other. I haven't decided what that will be though. As far as this month goes, there's a whole load of fantasy in particular that I want to read so expect that to be the dominant genre for August. It's going to be great :o)

Before I go for today, here's one more bit of proof that publishers will always wait until I've collected single editions of a series before releasing omnbius collections (found this via SF Signal)...

Dammit! Check out my review for 'Sweet Silver Blues' and 'Bitter Gold Hearts'... then go pick this book up if you don't have the individual books already. You can thank me later ;o)

See you tomorrow!


  1. Rock and Roll! Thanks Graeme!

  2. Well, it was equally lovely to meet Hope. Start 'em young, I say!

  3. It was equally lovely to meet Hope, who was very charming. And I can always send you some brown paper to go over the covers...

  4. Awesome! I can't wait to crack this open! Thank you!

  5. Thanks so much Graeme! Can't wait to read Conan since I am such a fan of the Arnold movies!


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