Monday 29 August 2011

The 'It's a Bank Holiday so you're probably not even reading this' Competition Winner's Post!

I mean, seriously. The sun is up, it's lovely out there and we don't have to be at work today! :o) By 'we' I mean people in the UK of course but it's not like the rest of you don't get public holidays as well. Wait your turn and don't rub it in too much when you're lazing around at home and I'm in the office... ;o)

This is going to be a fairly short and sweet one today as I've got a garden to dig up, books to read and a small child to keep away from electric sockets... I couldn't let today pass though without announcing the winners of last weeks competition for Advance Copies of Richard Morgan's 'The Cold Commands'. Without further ado, here they are...

John Johnson, Idaho, USA
Kai Ashante Wilson, Brooklyn, USA
Karen Moore, Wisconsin, USA

Well done guys, your books should be on their way very soon. Better luck next time everyone else... ;o)
Right, I'm off to do all the chores that I somehow manage to ignore until a Bank Holiday comes round. Have a great one today and I'll see you tomorrow when Drew Magary stops by to answer a few questions about 'The Post Mortal'...


  1. Damn!

    I knew I should have changed my name to Kai Ashante Wilson and moved to Brooklyn.

    Troy, the artist formerly known as Prince

  2. Thanks! I'm really looking forward to reading it!

    Kai Ashante Wilson

  3. Looks like The Steel Remains just got bumped up on my TBR pile!


  4. Yes! I loved the first book in the series. Very excited about this.


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