Tuesday 16 August 2011

Cover Art! ‘Ravensoul’ – James Barclay (Pyr Edition)

Not only are Pyr well known for turning out quality genre fiction but they’re also well known for wrapping it up in some gorgeous looking covers; you can’t ask for a lot more than that on your bookshelf really can you?
James Barclay’s ‘Raven’ series has been published in the UK, by Gollancz, for a while now and Pyr took up the task of releasing it in the US with their usual care and attention to the cover art. Check out the cover for the last book in the series, ‘Ravensoul’...

Raymond Swanland does it again. It's gorgeous isn’t it? Totally encapsulates what the ‘Raven’ books are all about as far as I’m concerned. I would go on about the book itself but I actually reviewed this back in 2008, check out the review Here.

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of this series, but that cover makes me want to check it out and hope it's good.


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