Saturday 9 July 2011

Some Cover Art That Caught My Eye...

It’s a bit of a cover art weekend here while I get on with the serious business of reading :o) Come back tomorrow for cover art that will make you go ‘meh...’ but, in the meantime, here’s a few covers that have caught my eye...

‘Awakenings’ (Edward Lazellari)

This one caught my eye because, well... I’m reading it right now. I’ll tell you more about the book itself fairly soon (I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read so far) but I like the way that this understated cover actually has you asking a lot more questions than you would think as well as making you focus on the characters.

‘Caine’s Law’ (Matthew Stover)

You won’t see this for almost a year yet but I enjoyed the hell out of ‘Caine Black Knife’ and seeing the cover over on Rob’s blog got me excited all over again. Plus it’s not a bad cover either, if that’s Caine on the front then he looks like he’s going to deal someone a real world of hurt...
I just need to find a copy of ‘Blade of Tyshalle’ and I should be all caught up by the time this book hits the shelves.

‘The Plain Man’ (Steve Engleheart)

As soon as I opened the package this cover art was all in my face and not letting me look elsewhere. I’m not too keen on comic art on books that aren’t comics but you can’t argue that this cover does the job is was put there to do. I’m not sure if I’ll give the book a go or not but I wouldn’t be surprised if I did, just because I can’t get the artwork out of my head.

Any of these catch your eye? Would you read the book based on the cover art?


  1. Definitely THE PLAIN MAN. Tentacles!

  2. I'm definitely interested in "Awakenings" now. I like the cover of "The Plain Man," but the description doesn't interest me, and a good cover isn't enough to overcome that.

  3. Unless things are different over in the U.K. you'll most likely only be able to get Blade of Tyshelle as a digital copy or get lucky at a used book store.


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