Monday 4 July 2011

The 'I'm Back!' Competition Winner's Post

Morning all :o)

I'm back and feeling a lot more 'with it' than I was before I went away; thanks for keeping the blog all nice and tidy looking wile I was gone ;o) Thanks as well to all the authors and publicists who contributed competition prizes and guest posts, I really appreciate it! It was really nice just to kick back last week and read books with no pressure to post a review straight away; I also had a great time playing with Hope and making sure that she stayed on her feet while she was paddling in the sea (mixed success there as Hope kept deciding to sit down when the waves came in...)

What can you expect from me now I'm back? Well, I now have a backlog of books to review so it'll pretty much be business as normal here :o) All I'll say for now is that 'Leviathan Wakes' absolutely rocked and 'Quantum Thief' looks pretty cool but I have no idea what it's about...
That's not what you're here for today though. You want to know who won various competitions that I've had on the go here, don't you? Okay... here goes,

'The Fall' (Guillermo Del Toro & Chuck Hogan)

Bobby Berry, Colorado, US
Charles Fraker, Virginia, US
Sabrina Osborn, Washington, US

'The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making' (Catherynne M. Valente)

Kriti Godey, Ohio, USA

'Chicks Kick Butt' (Rachel Caine & Kerrie L. Hughes)

Ellie Bogomazova, Maryland, USA

'The Quantum Thief' (Hannu Rajaniemi)

Jonathan Massaquoi, Washington, USA

Well done to all the winners, your books should hopefully be with you very soon. Better luck next time to everyone else, there are a couple of competitions still open...

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