Monday 11 July 2011

The 'I don't normally do this but...' Competition Winner's Post!

A lot of other very good bloggers (Rob, Amanda and Niall to name but three) already have a weekly 'books that turned up in the post' post and if I was to do something similar then I'd really just be repeating what they were saying. Although I would kill for a copy of 'Titus Awakes'... Niall? :o)
Every so often though something happens like a whole load of books turning up while I was on holiday and a whole load of these being just my kind of thing. As it happens, I was on holiday recently and had to go to the post office to collect all the books that turned up while I was away. There's a whole load of pictures below but I'm going to tell you who won last week's competitions first. Here goes...

Thanks to everyone who entered last week's set of competitions. If you didn't win this time round then there are always more competitions on the horizon so have a go at the next one instead. The winners were...

'Nebula Awards Showcase 2011'
Dona Watson, California, US

'The Watchers'
Brian Stabler, East Yorkshire, UK

Well done guys! Your books will be on their way around about... now!

And now, onto that absolutely gorgeous pile of books that ended up on my living room floor on Saturday morning. Yes, our carpet is that colour. After we bought our house, we went a little bit mad after years spent in dull looking rented accomodation...

The Big Deal.
I don't really need to explain why do I? I didn't think this would happen but all the old excitement about the series is back and I'll be getting stuck in very soon. Seriously, I know I've said that about a lot of books just recently but it's definitely going to happen :o) Today is just the right day for sitting outside with a cold beer and reading a book like this; shame I'm in the office...

There are ninjas, there are zombies, those are two very good reasons why I read these comics yesterday and why you can expect to see a review at the weekend.

I completely and utterly adored 'Johannes Cabal the Detective' as well as 'Hexed' and that's why I'll be reading the first two books in this picture. I'd never heard of William F. Nolan until I realised he was the guy behind 'Logan's Run' (great film although I've never read the book). That was enough to pique my interest so I'll be reading 'Kincaid' as well.

I'm reading 'The Ironclad Prophecy' quite literally as we speak and it's just as much fun as 'Black Hand Gang'. 'The Hum and The Shiver' will also be read, purely because I know I'll enjoy pretty much anything written by Alex Bledsoe (check him out if you haven't already). The only one I'm not sure about here is 'Songs of the Earth' but I thought I'd pop it in the picture anyway. Anyone here read this book yet?

I know I keep saying 'no more Star Wars books' but this is one by Timothy Zahn. Timothy Zahn dammit! The guy cannot write a bad Star Wars novel and I really want to read a Star Wars novel that recaptures the thrill I got when reading 'Heir to the Empire' for the first time. 'Choices of One' could well be that book. The Back Lung Captain' gets on the 'to read' pile because I want to have some fun with my reading and 'Retribution Falls' was certainly a whole load of fun to read :o)

I've read/reviewed 'Echo City' but I love the Orbit cover so it sneaked into the picture here. I read 'Ship Breaker' over the weekend but am still trying to work out how I feel about it before writing my review. 'Hell Ship' will be read purely on the strength of a title that promises Space Opera just like it was in the old days :o)
I am so far behind with my 'Harry Dresden' reading that it's actually quite embarrassing really; I've still got the last book sat on the shelf so I might just give that a go and see if I can pick things up from there. Don't expect to see a 'Ghost Story' review anytime soon although I do want to read it at some point.
If there's anything guaranteed to get me giggling like a little boy it's mention of 'Rule 34'. This could be the shallowest reason ever for picking up a Charles Stross book but there you go, expect a review when I've stopped sniggering... :o)

That's it for this post I think! Did any of those books grab your eye? And what are you reading at the moment? Is it any good?


  1. Nice haul! Songs of the Earth has been on my watch list for a while now, so I hope you do get a chance to post a review.

    A new Timothy Zahn entry into the Star Wars universe is always welcome - his original Thrawn trilogy is the standard by which I judge any other entry (which is probaby why I've been underwhelmed by most other Star Wars books).

  2. Philip Palmer is a name that keeps coming up of late. I've not read any of his books, so I'll be interested to get your take on him.

    Currently reading Century of the Soldier, The Monarchies of God Volume 2, by Paul Kearney. I'm about a third of the way through and thoroughly enjoying it!

  3. I'm looking forward to being able to read Songs of the Earth. Though I've heard some mixed reviews about it, it still sounds like something I might enjoy, so I'm eager to give it a chance once I can get a copy for myself.

  4. Sally - Are you me? ;o) I totally believe that Zahn set the standard for Star Wars novels and can't help but judge everything by the Thrawn Trilogy. I'm hoping for good things here...

    D-man - I really need to catch up with Paul Kearney's stuff. As far as Palmer goes, I wasn't too keen on 'Debateable Space' but still enjoyed it.

  5. In my opinion, Choices of One is one of Zahn's best Star Wars novels since the original Thrawn Trilogy.

  6. *sob* I'm dying to read Ghost Story. It's agony waiting for it to be release already Ah! I'm not sure you should skip books though, pretty sure it wouldn't make much sense ;)

    I'm now 2 books behind on the Song of ice and fire series. But who knows when next book will be release ;) I have time I think lol

  7. I picked up Rule 34 the other day for exactly the same reason, so I wouldn't feel too bad ;P

  8. I bet I'm further behind on my Dresden Files than you are - I think I overdosed a while back and had to step back and give him a reat - but you have piqued my interest again now so may have to figure out where I got up to in the series...

    Also zombies? And ninjas? Hurry up with that review :D

    At the moment I'm reading Ravenwood by Andrew Peters. I came across Notes From An Exhibition by Patrick Gale while I was packing up my bookcase (we are moving) flipped through some pages and am now drawn into that one.

  9. There's a couple of books there that I'll be tempted to pick up myself. I've not read anything by Lebbon but, from what I've read, Echo City does sound interesting. I've pretty much given up reading Star Wars fiction but I can always be tempted back by the latest Zahn.

    (Is that my little ole name I see among the comp winners? Cheers, G.)


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