Sunday 17 July 2011

Giveaway! 'Awakenings' (Edward Lazellari)

I’ll actually be reviewing ‘Awakenings’ later this week but the competition I set up seems to have found itself being run today. What can you do? :o)
Here’s the blurb,

Cal MacDonnell is a happily married New York City cop with a loving family. Seth Raincrest is a washed-up photographer who has alienated even his closest friends. The two have nothing in common—except that they both suffer from retrograde amnesia. It’s as if they just appeared out of thin air thirteen years ago, and nothing has been able to restore their memories. Now their forgotten past has caught up to them with a vengeance.
Cal's and Seth’s lives are turned upside down as they are stalked by otherworldly beings who know about the men's past lives. But these creatures aren't here to help; they're intent on killing anyone who gets in their way. In the balance hangs the life of a child who might someday restore a broken empire to peace and prosperity. With no clue why they're being hunted, Cal and Seth must accept the aid of a strange and beautiful woman who has promised to unlock their secrets. The two must stay alive long enough to protect their loved ones, recover their true selves—and save two worlds from tyranny and destruction.

If it hadn’t been for my reading Ben Loory’s ‘Stories’ last week ‘Awakenings’ could well have been my surprise find of the year, I really enjoyed it. How do you fancy winning an advance copy courtesy of Tor? This competition is only open to US readers though I’m afraid...

If you’re still with us, and you want in, entering is as simple as ever. Just drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your postal address is. The subject header needs to be ‘Awakenings’.

I’ll let this one run until the 24th of July and will aim to announce the winner as soon as possible afterwards.
Good Luck!


  1. I never enter these because I don't want to be a greedy blogger-- but oh I'm tempted. I'm really tempted.

  2. OMG!!! This was so amazing! I sent the email, not expecting anything to come of it, and had honestly forgotten about it. Then I received the book! Thanks so much! This is awesome!


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