Sunday 26 June 2011

Giveaway! 'Chicks Kick Butt' (Rachel Caine & Kerrie L. Hughes)

What a great name for a book! :o) One of those names that leaves you in no doubt at all what the book is all about; I don't think anyone could return this on the strength of a misleading title! And, courtesy of Tor, I have one copy to give away here. Check out the blurb,

Chicks Kick Butt is an anthology that features one of the best things about the urban fantasy genre: strong, independent, and intelligent heroines who are quite capable of solving their own problems and slaying their own dragons (or demons, as the case may be).

Now there's a blurb that's short and to the point. I guess with a title like that the blurb doesn't really have a lot to explain... ;o)
This competition is only open to people living in the US. If you're one of that select band of people then you are doubtless already emailing me (address at the top right hand of the screen) with your name and postal address. The subject header will need to be 'Chicks Kick Butt'.
I'm leaving this one open until the 3rd of July and will aim to announce the winner as soon as possible afterwards.
Good Luck!

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