Monday 13 June 2011

The 'First Birthday Parties Are The Best Parties Of All' Competition Winner's Post!

So you can probably guess what I've been up to this weekend... What an exciting life I lead :o) Seriously though, there is something to be said for hanging out at the first birthday of your child's little friend. They're too small to do any real damage (although Hope totally laid waste to the bowl of Bombay Mix, she has some weird tastes in food that one...) and what damage was done was in someone else's house and not mine! :o) The most strenuous thing I had to do was to make sure that Hope didn't play with all the interesting sharp stuff in the kitchen, the rest of the day was all about beer. How was your weekend? :o)

In other news (because this is a blog about books so I should at least mention them...) my reading mojo is well and truly back thanks to the ol' comfort reading approach. This means that you'll get to hear me gushing about books that I've really enjoyed this week (gushing quite a lot probably) but I'm hoping that things balance themselves out next week. We'll see...

Anyway, on with announcing all the winners from last week's competitions. If you've been a winner over the last few weeks then you'll have noticed that I never emailed you to let you know beforehand. That's the way things will be in the future (too much going on elsewhere for masses of email writing). I always try to announce competition winners on a Monday, stop by and see how you did if you entered ;o)

'The Concrete Grove' (Gary McMahon)

Carmen Wing, Kent, UK

'The Necklace of the Gods' (Alison Goodman)

Margaret Lycett, Walsall, UK
Hannah Prosser, Rotherham, UK

Well done guys, your books should be with you shortly. Better luck next time everyone else...

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