Tuesday 31 May 2011

UK Cover Art for 'Echo City' & Me Moaning About Feeling Ill...

Mornin' all :o)

I'm really hoping that you'll all cut me a little slack this week. Whatever it was that I caught off Hope, last week, still hasn't cleared up and I'm feeling absolutely rotten (we're talking 'tired wobbly legs, can't stop coughing' rotten here). If that wasn't bad enough, work is set to get a little hectic this week... Oh joy :o(
All this basically means that you're not going to see as many book reviews this week (although I'll do my best to keep them coming; I do have an audiobook and comic to post about so that's a start I guess) If it's any consolation, this means that there will be twice as many book reviews next week so it all balances out ;o)

In the meantime then... The UK cover art for Tim Lebbon's 'Echo City' was doing the rounds on Twitter, last Friday, and it's so utterly gorgeous that I'm posting it here today. Check it out...

Now, isn't that the kind of cover art that makes you want to clutch the book to your chest and shoot paranoid stares in the direction of anyone who so much as glances at it? Totally captures the apocalyptic feel of the desert outside the city as well as the apocalyptic feel of the book in general. I read 'Echo City', at the back end of last year, in its US guise and there's no doubt at all that the UK cover art wins out this time round. Cover art to one side though, read the book anyway. It's worth it.

Right, time for a Lemsip. See you all tomorrow!


  1. Get well soon! That cover looks awesome. I don't care about the content, I want it :D


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